Aquí iremos recopilando las oraciones a nuestra Madre, la Virgen María.
- Ave María
- Salve
- Acordaos
- Bendita Sea Tu Pureza
- Bajo Tu Amparo
- Ofrecimiento a la Virgen María
- Angelus
- Regina Coeli
- Magnificat
- Dulzura de los Ángeles
- Memorare
- Novena a la Virgen del Carmen
- Nuestra Señora que Desata los Nudos
- Novena a la Medalla Milagrosa
- Novena a la Dulce Espera
Nuestra Señora que Desata los Nudos
El Santo Rosario
Libros y Tratados
Tratado De La Verdadera Devoción a La Santísima Virgen – San Luis María Grignion Montfort.
Gracias Tom, esperamos mejorarlo con el tiempo.
Please Little Flower:Pray for Adriana Mancini, a young sweet and precious child of Jesus, she surfefs from Autism. and please, pray for my Family, my Children (Hugie, John, Cody),Please Little Flower:Please pray for my parents (John / Klara Asadurian) and for my Aunt and Uncle (Katch / Adriene Asadourian) who have gone to be with Jesus and Mary, I pray.Please Little Flower:Please pray for Fr. IR, Fr. McC, Fr. LC, Fr. RA, Fr. Tom and Fr. RH.Little Flower, please pray:For all souls in purgatory, all the Angels and Saints, For All Children, for the dying, the suffering, the poor, the lonely and for peace on earth.And, lastly Little Flwoer, please pray for also me, a sinner. Amen +Thank you and God Bless you!From My Flower to Your Little Flower I Love You!
Amen. Thank you for visiting the site and leaving a comment.